
Tip of the day, get outside!!

It has long been shown that gradual and consistent exposure to light by being outside, yields similar,  if not greater benefits than a gradual and consistent program of exercise yields. Gentle exposure to the suns natural rays produces possibly greater benefits than partaking in regular exercise. A series of regular but short exposures to natural […]

Your New Years resolution

Well, its that time of year again where we have all indulged, and decided to get back on track, often with a vengeance. We feel guilty for all those resolutions we have made in the past, and stuck to for a few weeks into the new year, only to forget about them and see them […]

Cod liver oil

Cod liver oil has been around for a very long time. For centuries northern populations such as Russia, Scandinavia, Iceland, Scotland and Greenland have consumed fermented fish oils. Many older generations consumed fish oil and their products, you may have even been given a teaspoon by your grandparents as it was a nourishing food given […]

Chicken Stock

Cooking Time: 8hrs Nutritional Info: It was known in folk lore to raise the dead. this is due to its hydrophilic attraction to digestive juices and nutrients. Good quality home made stocks boost immune system, aids digestion and provides essential minerals including calcium. However, is better known for rebuilding skin and collagen leading to more beautiful skin, […]

Jos’s Food Demonstration

Avocado, Mint and coconut Ice Cream Makes 500mls Before Prep Needed: at least 4hrs before Preparation Time: 15mins Ingredients: 300ml can Coconut cream 2 Avocadoes 1/4 cup firmly packed mint leaves Juice of 1 Lime 1/4 cup Maple syrup Method: Pour coconut cream in ice-cube trays. Cut avocado into small dice and spread out on tray. Place […]

Nutritional Information Glossary

a/1/Apples are an excellent prebiotic, helping to feed your probiotic bacteria in your gut.  It  is now estimated that these simple bacteria are responsible for 70-85% of your immune system. Apples are a good source of vitamins A and B1 and rich in a number of minerals including potassium, calcium, phosphorus sodium and bioflavonoids. Apples are […]