One for the ladies

The first thing I say about skin is "Do not put anything on it, that you wouldn't be prepared to eat or drink"

Our skin is highly absorbent and anything we apply to it will quite quickly make its way into the bloodstream.

In fact, absorption of chemicals through the skin is exponentially increased if the skin has been damaged by sunburn or if we wear thick clothing.

The skin, similar to our gut has its own microbes, and these differ greatly depending on which area of the skin you are addressing.

The skin on the face, has a microbe population for example that likes to be in the dessert, where the skin on the pubic region may favour that of the amazon. The diversity of microbes inhabiting is almost as diverse as different animals on the planet.

Take for example our lips, specific microbes play a role in maintaining their condition, when we apply lip balm these microbes are suffocated in petrochemicals that kill them. From there, our lips start to dry out and we are forced into applying more lip balm in an attempt to keep them moist, which only further dries them out. What a clever marketing ploy, creating a product that makes your lips dry when you use it, which then causes you to buy their product forever, in the mistaken belief you are moisturising your lips.

This applies to all areas of the body, moisturisers in affect put dangerous chemicals on your skin, which only further act to dry the skin out by preventing your own bodies from producing its own moisturisers, which makes you reliant on them.

Don't believe me?

Try this simple test, stop using your moisturiser and watch how quickly your skin becomes dry, the longer you have been using them the quicker your skin will dry out. It will probably become dryer than it has ever been before, since the product is masking but exaserbating the initial problem.

The interesting aspect of body products is that these specific compounds were made by the plant for the plant.

In the tropics certain plants produce certain chemicals to protect them from the elements. i.e The sun

These elements that the plant produces are very good at protecting the plant, but what happens when we cross species?

What happens when you use a compound that the plant has evolved to produce over thousands of years?

It will and does offer some relief, but you have to look at it on a bigger picture. The human body has evolved over a very long time to produce an oil perfect for its host, a human.

The human body produces sebum, not an oil but more like a wax.

If you really want to use a product on your skin that mimics your own sebum, then what are you doing turning to the vegetable kingdom?

As much as I don't condone whaling, the whaling industry did produce cosmetics based on oils very closely resembling our own. Animal oils, not plant oils. Lanolin made from sheets wool oil is much closer to our own skin than almond or sesame oil.

Could you image rubbing our skin oil (sebum) on the leaves of plants to keep them soft and supple?

No, why not?

Its because the plant produces the perfect oils needed by the plant in its time of need, no more, no less.

Now it gets interesting

To encourage your flora to thrive, remember your flora which maintains your skin, you need to stop killing it.

Most moisturisers, soaps, de-oderants, scrubs do just that, they are anti-bacterial, meaning anti-life.

They break down oil, (that is the job of soap) which is the food for these little micro-organisms. These micro-organisms not only starve but are killed by these chemical compounds, a lot based off petroleum products.

Well, how do we get them back?

This brings me to health secret number 7, oil cleans better than soap!!

You need to use something to clean which is flora friendly.

Jojoba oil

Jojoba oil is one of the only plant oils I know that is a wax, similar to sebum.

Wet a face cloth, put a few drops of jojoba on it and rub this over your face and body.

You will be absolutely amazed at how well this simple product cleans better than any soap you have ever used.

It will also provide a little food for the microbes to eat, they will become strong, multiplying in numbers and build up the defence again, of your skin to the elements. They then will act on behalf of you and maintain your integrity of your skin, they manage it for you.

I would recommend you do this before a shower, as the jojoba will cover you in a film which will protect you from the chlorine in your bath and shower. Chlorine kills them quicker than your soap does.

Read my blog on shower filters

Jojoba has a very strong synergy with our own oils and harmonizes with our own body.

If you need a moisturiser, use a little neat after the shower, but remember we want the body to start producing its own oils, so use sparingly.

Now for the body to start producing its own oils, our circulation must be working properly and for that to occur we must, not should, but must be exercising!! (Saunas, have a similar effect)







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My name is Blair Harvey and I have had the pleasure of working at one of Australia's best Health Retreat's for the past fourteen wonderful years. Over those years I have had the delight of working with a spectacular kitchen team, we all have an immense passion for cooking good healthy food that is unique and tantalizing to your taste buds. Together we have not only developed our skills in cooking wholesome, nourishing and out right delicious foods, but we have been committed to broadening our knowledge of healing with whole foods and exploring the beauty of healthy living. Because of our enthusiasm in the benefits of foods and there healing properties I developed a blog to help us SHARE what we have learnt with the rest of the world.

You will find tasty gems of wisdom on health, food and healing, helping to expand your mind and revitalize your knowledge of healthy eating.